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What is No Code SaaS?

SaaS will account for nearly 70% of all business software consumption 2022. This figure is predicted to reach 85% by 2023.

But there’s a catch: we depend on the population of 0.3% of the world who can code to create these items. And, as the number of programmers increases, so does the need for SaaS systems. 

The task is massive, but there is an answer: no-code SaaS. 

You can create and deploy an MVP without technical coding with no-code tools and platforms. So, how do you move from a concept to a working SaaS MVP if you need to learn how to develop SaaS?

What is No Code SaaS? In this post, I’ll guide you through the steps you need to take to transform your concept into a no-code SaaS MVP. We’ll talk about the tools, methodologies, and educational resources (like 100DaysOfNoCode!) you should consider as you start your quest.

What is SaaS?

Let’s start with the basic information: what is SaaS?

SaaS is a cloud computing in which clients may access and use software programs over the Internet. A third-party source often hosts these programs and may be accessed from any device with an internet connection.

SaaS is an excellent technique to give consumers apps and services without needing them to install or operate their servers. Because no physical hardware is necessary, software upgrades, updates, and maintenance are more accessible.

What is No Code SaaS? No-Code vs. Low-Code:

There are two approaches to developing applications, SaaS products, internal tools, and websites: no-code and low-code.

Users may construct apps using no-code platforms without writing any code. They often include drag-and-drop tools, prebuilt components, and visual processes, allowing non-technical and technical developers to quickly design and construct an app.

No-Code vs. Low-Code

Low-code platforms are more sophisticated. They usually have simple features and operations that don’t need any code to implement. However, complex parts and procedures will require some coding ability to personalize the program.

Examples of SaaS Products Built With No-Code Tools:

Some examples of Saas products built with No code tools:


Comet is a marketplace that links remote employment possibilities for freelance programmers and data experts.

Charles Thomas, an entrepreneur with no technological expertise, launched it in 2017. He created the initial product using drag-and-drop tools in Bubble (a popular no-code development environment).

What began as a small-scale no-code effort has become far more significant. Comet has effectively established a niche alongside major sites such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. So far, Comet has assisted freelancers in completing 300+ projects with an average MRR of $800,000.


The Teal initiative has assisted over 11,000 individuals in simplifying the job-search process.

It’s no secret that looking for work can be terrifying and sometimes stressful. Teal simplifies the process by allowing you to follow job postings, create resumes, and enhance LinkedIn profiles.

Teal’s team began with a no-code technology stack that comprised Bubble, Webflow, Airtable, and Zapier. It enabled them to develop rapidly, launch their product, and iterate based on input from their target market.


Flexiple, like Toptal, assists businesses in hiring pre-vetted freelancers.

For less than $60 a month, Flexiple founder Karthik Sridharan constructed the platform using a stack of no-code solutions such as Bubble, Webflow, Airtable, Unicorn, and Zapier. Flexiple generates over $3 million in revenue annually, with a 25% month-on-month growth rate.

How To Build a No-Code SaaS MVP:

Some steps of how to build no-code Saas MVP:

Step 1: Research (Market + Customer):

A market is required for every successful SaaS. That is why the first step is to do market and consumer research.

The most straightforward (and most reliable) approach to begin this process is to consider challenges in your professional or personal life. What irritates you? What solutions would you want to see that do not already exist?

In addition, you should do research on current solutions and organizations in your target market. It will assist you in developing a distinctive solution that distinguishes you from the competition.

Step 2: Choose Your Monetization Model:

The next step is determining how you want to monetize your no-code SaaS solution. Most SaaS products employ a Good-Better-Best subscription model, in which users pay for varying access levels.

However, there are other choices. Depending on the product, pay-as-you-go (PAYG) or ad-supported may be more appropriate.

And, if it seems a little early to start thinking about monetization, it isn’t. Knowing how you want to monetize your product will guide its design and development. For example, if you use the PAYG model, you may need to develop methods for tracking consumption.

Step 3: Plan for Security and Reliability in Advance:

What is No Code SaaS? When you’ve decided on the design of your no-code SaaS solution, it’s time to consider security and dependability. Because no-coding options are often cloud-based, safety must be considered early on.

Consider user authentication, data encryption, and best cybersecurity procedures. It’s also a good idea to prepare for scalability and dependability, which will assist in guaranteeing that your no-code SaaS solution is robust and capable of handling substantial traffic levels.

Read More: Types of SaaS


Types of SaaS


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